William Glasser
William Glasser
Robert Wubbolding
View of human nature -
We are not born with a clean slate. We are born with five basic needs of survival.
Choice of theory explanation of behavior -
From birth until death death everything we do is chosen and all we ever do is behave.
Characteristics of reality therapy -
Deals with whatever is not satisfying in a relatiobship. The five characteristics of reality therapy are emphasize
choice and responsibility ( we are free to choose what we do but should take responsibility for the consequences),
reject transference (the therapist should be themselves with helps the client deal with others), therapy in present
(client to be focused on the present rather than the past), avoid focus on symptoms (focus on past as well as
symptoms are similar. Client does not focus on the present), challenge traditional views of mental illness (This type
of therapy there tends to be more of a rejection to the theory wherein an individual has a mental illness as they
are receiving therapy). (Corey, 2012)
Help client to become more connected and/or reconnected with those they place value. Less about the past and
more about the present. Clients tend to chose therapy on their own. (Corey, 2012)
Two parts: Providing a counseling environment which provides a supportive positive atmosphere that helps
the client to make positive healthy changes in their life. Introducing procedures that lead a client to change.
(Corey, 2012)
Corey, G. (2012). Therapy and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy (9th edition).
Belmont, CA
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